Opps1 – Ch.9 – Pg.6
Sincerely: This page is also kind of significantly insignificant. Jack liking wearing ties, doing his makeup to hide his black eye, and his banter with Atticus, intentionally getting the victory candy thing wrong (we know from last chapter that he knows it’s chocolate) feels really important. It’s scenes like this that make all of the rest of the comic feel worth it.
Elliwiny: Opportunities wouldn’t be what it is without bits like this. If you don’t understand that Jack Frost is a guy, that the players are all people, then there’s no fucking point to this story.
Ties may look good, but in Jacks line of work, should it be a clip-on? No sense giving opponents access to a noose. Somewhere is their contact lists must be a tailor that can make one of sufficient quality, and who would not throw them out of the shop as soon as such horror was requested :}
It should DEFINITELY be a clip-on… Jack likes to flirt with danger, haha 😛