Sincerely: I really like this page. I think it’s one of those understated pages but what Kyan’s saying here is kind of an admission in its own way. It’s also a turning point for Vigi. Also, haha “All clear for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ch.11 - Post-Mortem
Elliwiny: Not to toot my own horn but I killed it on this page. Also, I 100% believe Jack practiced driving a LOT thinking he’d need it way more than he actually does in practice. 😛
Sincerely: In case you forgot that they used to date. It was really important to me that they had chemistry in this chapter. After all the bickering and sniping, this is the Jack that Sara was attracted to in the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: Jack being a gentleman about helping Sara over bodies and off of trucks in this and the previous chapter is still really endearing to me. Love drawing their little ex dynamics.
Sincerely: If you go back to chapter 6 you can see that flashback panel from a different angle, and possibly also Elli complaining about it. Elliwiny: Oh yeah, THIS page is fine, Jack is too small when he appears in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: I enjoy this flip in perception that Cin pulls off that finishes… er… flipping… in this sequence. Jack’s team is set up as the big bad guys in the beginning, and… well, they’re still rotten killers, but if you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sincerely: Did I work the dialogue a little bit too hard to get the title in there? Maybe. Elliwiny: Look it’s the title and it’s the themes, you can work it all you like.