Elliwiny: What is that, protein powder and TV Dinners? The hell kind of diet are you on, Stone? Okay this ice pack is clearly based on one I’ve got in my own freezer, but it would have been fun to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for jack-frost
Sincerely: There must not be video evidence that Jack and Stone know each other. I mean if we’re being completely mercenary with this commentary I should tell you that obviously this sequence is explicitly to highlight the fact that there’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Book 1 – Ch.5 – Pg.20
Sincerely: Atticus says this was Stone’s idea, but how could Stone have known unless you snitched in the first place. Checkmate, Moleman. Jack still doesn’t deserve him, tho. Elliwiny: It’s weird to think about how serious the repercussions are for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: Atticus MVP. EVERYONE is lucky he showed up before the cops did. Can you imagine picking up a drunk, running his fingerprints, and realizing you have a famous international criminal in the drunk tank? Absurd. Sincerely: Jack doesn’t deserve[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: Is this when we coined the term ‘shit elf’ to describe the face Jack makes in panel 4? I don’t remember if it is, but just so everyone knows, ‘shit elf’ is still in my lexicon to describe that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: I didn’t know what his toes looked like before I drew this, haha Sincerely: Look at Atticus’s toes! Oh my god everyone, look at his little feets. Amazing.
Elliwiny: I think it’s funny that all these bar patrons probably think that Jack’s going through a major divorce/breakup when in reality his ex was just mildly catty in his proximity Sincerely: And that my friends was the five pages[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sincerely: Remember how much I love circular panels? I can’t remember whether the circular panels for the drink pours were Elli’s idea or mine but I love them. Elliwiny: I don’t remember, either. In this case, they help highlight that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…