Sincerely: There was another webcomic posting at the time I was writing this that I was really annoyed at because of what I called “five pages of self-deprecation (that could’ve been one)” so when I wrote this scene I was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for jack-frost
Elliwiny: I feel like “Ranger Danger” was some kind of inside joke that I don’t remember? Time flies!
Sincerely: I complain a lot about transition pages. They slow down the comic both in terms of pacing (cuz webcomics) and also how long it takes to draw them (cuz they’re usually background heavy). But with a decade between them[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: DON’T TABLEFLIP THE FLASH POWDER!?!!! Sincerely: Haha, our protagonists are complete assholes.
Sincerely: Not sure how clear it is that Buffy, Lucy Liu, and “the tall chick with all the crap in her hair” are three of the Lobsters. It took me a minute to remember that’s what he was talking about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sincerely: We went down to one page a week when we first posted this chapter because Elli was moving across the country to live with me! But also this chapter is where the emotional meat of the story really starts[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sincerely: Atticus’s weirdly gendered insults are something I would write differently if I was doing this nowadays. Then again, maybe it’s good for Atticus to have one bad quality, otherwise he would be too perfect, and thus unapproachable. Elliwiny: Surprisingly,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: ‘And then they had sex, right there on the floor’ is a phrase that is still lodged in my lexicon today, like a full decade later. Truly, I am blessed. Sincerely: I love this gag. It’s one of my[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sincerely: It used to say “cortez” in that last panel. I think it got lost during the print edits somehow, along with the gradient on Jack’s shirt. We will definitely fix these if we ever get the chance to actually[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: As someone who is Ace, intimate scenes can feel more silly than sexy. It was fun to go full silly!! Sincerely: It’s page 100! I figured out how to make animated gifs for this page. Well I kind of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…