Archive for jack-frost
Elliwiny: I remember this one being really challenging to lay out. We’re switching POV to Vigi, who’s got to connect Sara to her newly –stolen– obtained keycards, and subtly get an assist from her luck power to dodge Jack. And[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Book 1 – Ch.4 – Cover
Sincerely: We’re back! Sorry for the break it was because of *~depression~* but we’re back at least for chapter 4. I reread some of the later stuff recently and was reminded that I really, really, really love Opportunities. Even if[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: Sin and I call this 11-12 panel setup ‘the watchmen’ and sometimes it’s just the thing. Sincerely: It usually goes something like, we’re looking at the beats and we’re realizing it’s gonna be a bunch of panels and then[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sincerely: Jack knows immediately what happened. The smart thing to do would be to let it go to voicemail and shoot off a text to your co-conspirators. But dang it, antagonizing the wannabe detective is just more fun
Elliwiny: The real lucky break is that jack was one punch away from a free sandwich, which now belongs to Vigi! Sincerely: (Don’t look at Jack’s left forearm in panel 3)
Sincerely: I love Elli very much. She’s a wonderful artist and storyteller but I’m gonna put her on blast She cannot, to this very day, handle asymmetrical accessories. For the rest of the book, whenever Jack is in short sleeves,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: Literally my only regret is that we don’t get these two in scenes together more often Sincerely: Our first fight scene. Love it. No notes. Still amazing to this day.