Elliwiny: See? Now Stone is turning ON the lights. I’m pretty sure the ‘lights off’ continuity error happened because I first drew him using a chain bolt to lock the door. But it clashed with the direction the door opened,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for kyan
Sincerely: There’s gonna be a showdown at the Sunset Motel. Elliwiny: I like to imagine that Stone told his taxi to wait for Kyan to come out of the club so she could watch him make his exit. This is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: YO, SARA. YOU MISSED ONE!!!!! Sincerely: It’s alright gang, the WUMPs are back. Everything’s fine now.
Sincerely: I adore the WUMP WUMP WUMPs. Kyan, not so much. Elliwiny: “Darren, what is it you do?” is such a subtle and effective set up that I almost didn’t want to say anything about it. But this is what[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: Yes even Baron can have a little humanizing, as a treat Sincerely: That’s Chekhov’s hot pink VW beetle with flames. I’d also like to point out Baron’s knuckles. What a nice touch.
Opps1 – Ch.9 – Pg.12
Sincerely: Love all the Lobsters party clothes. They brought beer! And solo cups! So classy. Elliwiny: Dramatic lighting! DRAMATIC LIGHTING!!
Opps1 – Ch.9 – Pg.10
Sincerely: Look, someone getting strangled with their own tie. What a wild coincidence. Elliwiny: Oh my GOD I completely forgot that the tie comment set this up, I just got lost in the ultraviolent sauce apparently
Sincerely: Parking garage, my beloved. Elliwiny: Usually I take point on Baron’s dialogue but I’m pretty sure ‘He said you were going to need an ambulance’ was all Cin
Opps1 – Ch.9 – Pg.7
Elliwiny: I know Cin already talked about Sara’s outfits but this outfit… this one’s my favorite. Sara looks SO good with that neckline. It was SO hard not turning to other looks like this for her previous outfits. Her look[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Opps1 – Ch.9 – Pg.5
Sincerely: That fourth-wall breaking Stone is great and I’m so proud of the gravitas he brings to this turning point sequence, but the last panel on this page is one of my favorite individual panels of all time (even tho[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…