Archive for kyan
Sincerely: Yeah, that’s the appropriate reaction. Pretty sure there are bathrooms back there. He might be smashing up the nurse’s station from Tuesday tho.
Elliwiny: I love Kyan ripping up the carpet, nice reminder for me to do more of that kind of thing. She pulls her punches more than anybody knows and sometimes she gets to cut loose, just a little bit. Sincerely:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Opps1 – Ch.8 – Pg.14
Elliwiny: Yesss Jack snooping around in the gutters! Sincerely: This is one of those page layouts (with the next page) that would look really cool in print. I hope we get a chance to make that happen some day.
Opps1 – Ch.8 – Pg.13
Elliwiny: Baron gleefully hiding behind the police does add a horrifying dimension to this sequence that I don’t think I considered when I drew this! But it is perfectly in character for this assclown. Sincerely: I remember thinking when I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Opps1 – Ch.8 – Pg.12
Opps1 – Ch.8 – pg.10
Sincerely: Using the scenery to indicate that he can’t quite hear the dialogue? Yes, please. Elliwiny: Jack can’t hear for shit! That’s the briefcase that is managing to listen in.
Opps1 – Ch.8 – Pg.8-9
Elliwiny: Christmas dotted lines for the Christmas boy! I like this as the reveal that the place is swarming with cops, too. Also I just noticed that wacky pink alien in the middle! Whaaaat is his deal?? I have no[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: And once again, it’s Marco making first contact! I don’t know, it’s funny that I never really thought that deeply about this quality Marco has, where he can dive right into new social interactions. It’s no wonder Sara likes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: Pish posh, security!!! I enjoy these little windows into Kyan’s work life. She cares so deeply about doing quality work when there are thousands of reasons to not give a shit. Sincerely: I love it when they do the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…