Elliwiny: Harth and Ozalle Oro are difficult but rewarding to frame into scenes. I really love filling up whole panels with their big ol’ boomer faces.
Archive for kyan
Elliwiny: Kyan’s annoyance at Vigi’s lack of intel… Typical Vigi nonsense!! Sincerely: Oh good, the bosses are here.
Elliwiny: Ah yes, you saw her assets. Sincerely: I like it in stories when the characters share info that they’ve independently collected. I like writing that stuff.
Elliwiny: There’s a lot of foreshadowing/expositing in this sequence – Not just with these “hippy” characters but with weaknesses that Jack is going to exploit at the beginning of book 2.
Sincerely: Tabitha (the kid) is way too old to be carried. We just thought it would be funny. Haha, Kyan doesn’t know how kids work. Or maybe she’s just like “children are squirrely, I’m gonna carry this one so it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sincerely: Ah, yes, the hippies. They’re not really hippies, but that’s what Elli and I call them for short hand. They were going to be a bigger deal in book 2 but we obviously never got that far.
Sincerely: The first version of this page was, uh, not good. I made Elli redo it entirely after we finished the book and now it looks amazing. Elliwiny: I don’t think I even have the old version anymore, that’s how[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…