Archive for lobsters
Elliwiny: Did Cin mention that a lot of the staffers are lovingly named after West Wing characters? Cin got a lot of inspiration from Aaron Sorkin and it was kinda funny watching West Wing with her after drawing scenes like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: Yeah it’s overpriced, but sometimes you just gotta establish a paper trail for the identity you’re going to murder this weekend. Sincerely: On the other hand, duty free means no sales tax. What a bargain!
Elliwiny: Can’t believe Jack’s stupid microaggressions are a plot point. Also, Kyan’s general rudeness is really funny to me. Done with this conversation? Just leave!
Elliwiny: I love drawing the bugbears and especially Kyan. Sincerely: Looking at Kyan respectfully, the chapter.
Elliwiny: I remember this one being really challenging to lay out. We’re switching POV to Vigi, who’s got to connect Sara to her newly –stolen– obtained keycards, and subtly get an assist from her luck power to dodge Jack. And[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: We establish later that Atticus was supposed to send the memo that Colin is confused, but anybody can send an email, Sarah!
Elliwiny: Knowing where everything is, and where everything is within that space, is SO important to Opportunities. Especially because we don’t really do ‘cuts’ between characters – when we swap POV we usually have a visual hand-off as well, with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Book 1 – Ch.3 – Pg.26
Elliwiny: There’s a lot of outlines of people in these meeting scenes, and I vaguely remember that it’s because I got overwhelmed by the scope and Sin suggested I go about it that way. Looking back, there really isn’t anything[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…