Book 1 – Ch.3 – Pg.27
Sincerely: Villains aren’t allowed to have apple products. Please don’t tell apple that we gave several of our villains apple phones.
Sincerely: Villains aren’t allowed to have apple products. Please don’t tell apple that we gave several of our villains apple phones.
Elliwiny: There’s a lot of outlines of people in these meeting scenes, and I vaguely remember that it’s because I got overwhelmed by the scope and Sin suggested I go about it that way. Looking back, there really isn’t anything[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: I don’t know what to call this panel layout, where there are things going on at the same time in different places and the panels are staggered to visually separate them, but it’s become one of my favorite layouts.
Elliwiny: I said before that the smart thing to do would be to shoot a text to your co-conspirators warning them about the calls, but then again…
Elliwiny: I learned SO much about commercial kitchen spaces while doing these two pages. Sin worked at a restaurant at the time and had all the good notes. Sincerely: Kitchens! How convenient that with the bankers and the aliens using[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: I really love Dr. Stone’s understated entrance into the story as just another one of these banker types.
Elliwiny: Hahahahaha Fitzwilliam talking about the flu or somesuch like it’s a novel inconvenience sure does hit different here in 2023
Elliwiny: Now we’re getting into the first time Vigi’s feeling over her head. It won’t be the last time, that’s for sure.
Sincerely: If you missed it, Sarah poisoned this poor random person back on page 21, so Jack chucking himself at that poor nurse really wasn’t the worst thing happening on that page.
Elliwiny: Sarah might not be as good on the spot but she gets the job done. And now that I’m looking at this again it really is amazing how a little desk clutter and a few props go such a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…