Archive for sara
Sincerely: I love/hate that chandelier so much Elliwiny: I also love/hate that chandelier so much, but the planters on the edge of the restaurant get the award for biggest unnecessary time sink.
Sincerely: I wonder if I still have the original panel 3 colors… Elliwiny: (Sigh) I do. Sin was my colorist back then and she went absolutely ham on the star brush, so i tried to honor that when I redrew[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Book 1 – Ch.2 – Pg4
Elliwiny: I went back and did a lot of redrawing this chapter because I’d reached a point in my artistic skill where I was getting a LOT faster, because I really wanted to be able to update twice a week![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: Sin never told me what’s in the bag and honestly I don’t wanna know Sincerely: Despite the fact that this is a comic about assassins I am always very stingy as a writer about killing characters. I have never[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Book 1 – Ch.2 – Oxygen
Elliwiny: Ben’s only on one page in the whole comic but he deserves to be on the cover! Rest in peace, Ben.
Sincerely: We call this panel layout “the watchmen”. Elliwiny: I love ‘the watchmen’ panel layout for stuff like this. Before Opps, I did these flash cartoons where you’d hit the directional arrows to turn virtual pages like a slideshow. I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Book 1 – Ch.1 – Pg.21
Sincerely: Like Elli said a bunch of pages back, there are a lot of transition pages like this to maintain the sense of space. I didn’t know how to write jokes yet but I think this bit is pretty good,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: Machines seem to be one of those things that artists either love or hate drawing. I’m pretty ambivalent to them now, but I used to get really frustrated trying to render cars and guns – Luckily, this page is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…