Archive for sara
Elliwiny: We name a LOT of the minor characters, even if it never comes up. All of the bankers have names, mostly after west wing characters. I’m pretty sure the brunette security guard Kyan is talking to is Sam, but[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: The woman who collapsed might have been overkill on Sara’s part, but to her credit, ‘missing oxygen tanks’ flew completely under the radar in this security guard’s rundown. Side note, I’m like 99% sure her name is Sam.
Sincerely: Yeah, that’s the appropriate reaction. Pretty sure there are bathrooms back there. He might be smashing up the nurse’s station from Tuesday tho.
Opps1 – Ch.8 – Pg.16
Elliwiny: That assclown! I see that I really latched onto the excuse to draw Sara’s legs here 😛 But also I can see that I really stretched myself with that low angle shot in panel 3, so good job past[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Opps1 – Ch.8 – Pg.8-9
Elliwiny: Christmas dotted lines for the Christmas boy! I like this as the reveal that the place is swarming with cops, too. Also I just noticed that wacky pink alien in the middle! Whaaaat is his deal?? I have no[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: I bet the felony was really lame. Readers, if any of you are lawyers, I would love to hear from you about what you think the lamest felony is.
Elliwiny: I remember being anxious about this scene. I don’t think I had figured out that I was asexual yet, when I drew this. I’m a hopeless romantic but portraying sexual attraction feels like sharing my field notes, which (according[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sincerely: Sara without makeup; I think that was Elli’s decision but I love it. Creators in visual mediums who put their characters in the same makeup they went to bed in are cowards, send tweet. Elliwiny: Oh I can see[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…