Sincerely: The polar bear bleeding on the label is a reference to the british TV show Black Books! Nobody’s ever picked up on that, or at least they never told me they did, so I’m telling you now! You’re welcome.
Archive for sara
Elliwiny: There’s no way Kyan and Rex can afford anything in this weird little gift shop slash mall boutique. Those Krispy K’s are probably like $3.
Elliwiny: Vigi’s habit of hiding behind newspapers to blend in… Sincerely: Haha, it’s nice looking back on these shop pages and being like ‘yeah I remember those being torture to color, but that’s in the past’.
Elliwiny: I love drawing the bugbears and especially Kyan. Sincerely: Looking at Kyan respectfully, the chapter.
Book 1 – Ch.5 – Pg.25
Sincerely: Atticus watches a lot of romcoms. He’s a romantic. Elliwiny: Is lovingly rendering a femme fatale perched on the corpses of the men she’s conquered typical closeted lesbian behavior? No? Just me?
Elliwiny: DON’T TABLEFLIP THE FLASH POWDER!?!!! Sincerely: Haha, our protagonists are complete assholes.
Sincerely: Not sure how clear it is that Buffy, Lucy Liu, and “the tall chick with all the crap in her hair” are three of the Lobsters. It took me a minute to remember that’s what he was talking about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sincerely: Stone says a lot of things, Sara. Elliwiny: You can really tell that Sara’s expressions are one of my favorite things to draw
Elliwiny: I clearly remember coming up with the ‘baron attempts to strangle vigi with Sara’s underwear’ bit, but I can’t remember if the ‘presents bloody undergarments to Sara’ bit was me or Cin escalating. This is why we’re a good[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elliwiny: Haha I love Cin’s writing here. Sara’s increasing annoyance that security isn’t going by the exact script she prepared for really tickles me. Jack can pull an alter ego out of his ass, but Sara needs an hour to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…