Archive for the-fitzwilliams
Opps1 – Ch.10 – Pg.6
Sincerely: I’m not a foot guy in the sense that there’s nothing sexual about feet for me, but a well drawn shoes? Damn. Also, wow, that new guy is back. He’s kind of hot isn’t he? Like there’s a real[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Opps1 – Ch.10 – Pg.4
Elliwiny: To sound effect, or not to sound effect…. To this day I don’t know if I made the right calls. Most of this scene is technically ‘silent’. It felt wrong to put a big BOOM! On this page in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Opps1 – Ch.10 – Pg.3
Elliwiny: So one of the big comic no-nos is this concept called tangents – If you’re unfamiliar, a tangent is when a line butts up against another line in such a way that it visually connects the two shapes together.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sincerely: Elli and I talked about this a lot. Jack spends the entire comic being a goofy dumbass, we really wanted this moment to be jarring, a huge tone shift. We had a joke while working on these pages where[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sincerely: Oh my god the out of season poinsettia center pieces exploded! Who could’ve possibly seen this coming!? Elliwiny: Since Cin was coloring for this chapter, I don’t remember the exact methods we used to get these explosion effects so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Opps1 – Ch.9 – Pg.5
Sincerely: That fourth-wall breaking Stone is great and I’m so proud of the gravitas he brings to this turning point sequence, but the last panel on this page is one of my favorite individual panels of all time (even tho[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Opps1 – Ch.9 – Pg.4
Elliwiny: Aw, Nate. Poor guy. I’m sorry your misery was so fun to draw. Sincerely: Sara has changed clothes once again. I love that for her. In a comic that takes place over the course of exactly five consecutive days[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Opps1 – Ch.7 – Pg.17
Elliwiny: Vigi’s luck power is fun to play with. It always kicks in when there is a direct threat but it also doesn’t fight her when she sets her mind to doing something with potentially enormous consequences. It’s like whatever[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Opps1 – Ch.7 – Pg.16
Elliwiny: Are you telling me something is wrong with the Lovely Merlot?!?!??? Sincerely: I think something might be wrong with the special occasion lovely merlot.