Elliwiny: Sin is just so unbelievably good at layering information, especially in scenes like this. Kyan and the gang are talking about their leave on earth, but in the subtext you can glean so much about the greater universe – that aliens like Kyan have heightened senses, the assumption that the humanoid bugbears come from earth, that Nathan doesn’t remember his origins on earth at all.

I love it when you can follow a conversation, and even if you don’t understand the complete context you can look back at it again and go “Oh, wait, they confirmed so much about what I’ve been gleaning from subtext right on the page and I didn’t fully realize it until I got to know this world a little better”

Back then I was still learning comic layouts basics, but if I were handed these pages now I think I’d work harder to make people’s reactions to the bugbears more subtle but constantly present. The diners’ reactions is good to highlight here but I’m always striving to layer the visuals to support the density of Sin’s writing.